Projects and Events

Projects and Events

Training for farmers


CARD and ACDI/VOCA have selected 50 farmers in Montserrado county to receive business/marketing skills training with the aim of improving the income of the farmers and creating the link to the markets.


The most important markets for the farmers have mainly been the communities and local markets. The income that can be generated in such a way is limited.


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PTA and community follow-up training

In 2010 CARD Liberia signed a contract with the Norwegian Refugee Council for implementing follow-up projects in northern Liberia for the Norwegian Refugee Council. In the first half of 2010, 100 communities were mobilized and sensitized regarding the PTA training project and 141 teachers were trained. 129 teachers received their certificates.


Now these communities in Grand Cape Mount, Bomi and Gbarpolu Counties require additional support and training of their PTAs on ways to generate income to support their schools.



Fighting Ebola

From August 2014 through February 2015 we fought Ebola for and together with our colleagues in CARD Liberia (no CARD Sierra Leone at that time), we managed to get 10,000 solar lamps donated for the cause, and we arranged three fundraising events in Europe. In Oslo, London and Amsterdam, for providing Ebola preventive kits for distributing together with the solar lamps. The solar lamps and the kits were distributed in Liberia and Sierra Leone in co-operation with local partners.


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